The Story of Noah is one many of us know well and have re-read time and time again. The world was wicked, and the Lord was sorry He had made man. (Gen 6:5-6) But despite all the wickedness, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God began to speak to Noah and told him the end of all flesh was near, that He was going to destroy all living things with a flood. God instructed Noah to build an ark. The Lord told Noah all the details about how to build it; he gave him exact measurements, told him to make it out of gopher wood, and to make rooms in the ark covering it inside and out with pitch. God told Noah to take two of all living things, male and female, and seven each of every clean animal into the ark. He told him He was going to cause it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights. Noah, his family, and the animals went into the ark and the Lord shut the door.
Until this point, God had instructed Noah every step of the way. He even told him what to bring for the journey, how long it was going to rain, and when to get in the ark. But once the door was closed and the storms began, God became silent. The Bible does not record the Lord speaking to Noah anymore.
The Bible tells us that after forty days and nights of rain, the waters prevailed on the earth one hundred and fifty days (Gen 7:24). Noah and his family had been on the ark for more than six months! I can imagine Noah crying out to the Lord for advice and instruction. “Lord, you said it was going to rain but you didn’t say how long we would be in this boat! Lord, supplies are starting to run short! Where are you?!?” I am sure, at this point, Noah was beginning to feel a bit desperate. I am sure he felt as though he would not survive if he did not hear from God soon.
The very first verse of the next chapter is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Genesis 8:1 says, “Then GOD remembered Noah.”
There will be times in your life when you think all hope is gone. Times when the storm in your life has raged on for days, even months, and God is silent. Times when you can’t see God moving. Be encouraged! God has not forgotten you. He remembers you and is going to see you through the storm. Our God is a God who works behind the scenes. Even when we cannot see Him, when we do not hear Him, He is thinking of us, He remembers us! He did not bring you this far to leave you hopeless. There is always hope.
-Pastor Joseph
